“International Talents Forum” Awaiting You at Nankai University


“International Talents Forum” Awaiting You at Nankai University

The One-hundred-year-old “North Star”

    Over one hundred years, Nankai University, featured with balance between liberal arts and sciences, a solid foundation of basic skills and knowledge, and emphasis on application and innovation, ranked among the top of Chinese universities measured by comprehensive strength. In recent years, Nankai University began to implement international strategies to promote development through talents building. As a result, guided by the new development philosophy, Nankai University will carry forward Nankai spirits, embody Chinese characteristics, seek to be world-class and attract high-level talents at home and abroad.

Forum Introduction

   Since 2016, Nankai University has already hosted 6 international talents forums with the advent of prominent scholars, well-known academic alumni and promising young talents from the world. Those events have aroused positive response.

   In 2021, Nankai will accelerate its efforts to support the “International Talents Forum”, build a communication platform for scholars so as to actively advance talents team building. Hence, Nankai University sincerely invites all talents and elites to join Nankai University and pursue common development together.

Main Forum: December 2021 via video links

    Following information will be updated to participants through e-mail.


    Applicants with sound mental and physical health should be awarded a doctoral degree with academic achievements in relevant fields and development potential. 

 How to Apply for the Forum

  Please register in https://gczzom.fanqier.cn/f/30yk5kxo and complete relevant information. Application materials include resume, catalog of published works, and three representative dissertations.

    After verifying applicants’ qualification, we will send an invitation letter to all candidates through e-mail.


    Mr. Shen: +86 22 23504075


Nankai Is Waiting for You!