About Us

The research on computer science of Nankai University began in 1958, which is based on the firm disciplines of mathematics and physics. Nankai University is one of the earliest universities engaged in computer research and teaching in China. In 1984, in order to develop the engineering discipline, Nankai University established the Department of Computer and System Sciences by integrating the majors of Computer Software and Automatic Control established in 1977 from the former Department of Mathematics and the major of Computer Application established in 1980 from the Department of Physics. In 1995, Nankai University adopted the organizational structure of colleges, integrating the Department of Computer and System Sciences and the Department of Electronic Science to establish the College of Information Technology Science, which began to operate in 1999. In 2013, in order to build a modern engineering discipline system at Nankai University and according to the discipline development plan of Nankai University, disciplines of the College of Information Technology Science were optimized and integrated, and the College of Computer and Control Engineering and the College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering were respectively established. In July 2018, in order to meet the major strategic needs of the country, to accelerate the construction of “double first-class” and to cultivate future talents who can adapt to and lead the development of the times, Nankai University separated the College of Computer and Control Engineering and established the College of Computer science.

The College of Computer Science is located in the Jinnan Campus of Nankai University, covering an area of nearly 7,000 square meters for teaching and research. The College of Computer Science consists of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, the Department of University Basic Computer Teaching, the Experimental Teaching Center (National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center), 3 research institutes (Big Data Technology Institute, System and Network Institute, Machine Intelligence Institute) and 8 research labs. The college has a complete training system for undergraduates, masters and doctors, a first-level discipline of “Computer Science and Technology” (a key discipline in Tianjin), including 4 second-level disciplines (computer software and theory, computer application technology, computer system structure, information security), and a post-doctoral research station. At present, it has one Tianjin Key Laboratory and participates in the building of one National Engineering Laboratory.

The undergraduate major of “Computer Science and Technology” became a national characteristic undergraduate major in 2011, and was selected as a national first-class undergraduate major in 2020.

The computer discipline develops by following the guideline of “tracking advanced computing technology, driving cross-discipline integration, and adopting new computer technology to solve frontier issues in the field of science and engineering” and the scientific researches are carried out with the focus on the forefront of world science and technology, economic area, major national requirements, and the people’s life and health. The discipline ranks in the top 1% of ESI worldwide.

The main research areas are distributed in six directions: parallel computing and distributed storage, big data processing and knowledge engineering, network and information security, multimedia graphics and image generation and processing, mobile cloud computing and intelligent perception, and biomedical informatics. In the past five years, the college has undertaken more than 100 national, provincial and ministerial science and technology projects from the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Science and Technology Commission of China's Central Military Commission (CMC), the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and some local projects in Tianjin. Characteristic research results include:

-- In media computing, researches on salient object detection and image intelligent analysis and editing are at the international leading level and a paper in this field has been selected as one of the 100 most influential international academic papers in China. Relevant achievements have been commercialized through flagship products of Huawei and Tencent.

-- In data processing, with international advanced database engine research and big data analysis technology, the Nankai “deep sea big data platform” provides solutions for big data life cycle. The ECM enterprise content management software developed is available in 11 languages, sold in 35 countries, and has a user base of two million.

-- In distributed computing, search engine system optimization and distributed system resource management research are at the international advanced level. “Index caching algorithm” has been applied to Baidu search engine, which is reported by mainstream media such as Guangming Daily. “Index cache algorithm” has been applied to Baidu data center and achieved tens of millions of yuan in revenue.

-- In network security, the high-speed backbone network flow data processing technology and encrypted VoIP voice flow analysis technology have provided effective means for rapid processing of backbone network traffic and identification of IP fraud calls. Related results have been applied at the export of the Internet backbone network.

-- In   artificial intelligence, fruitful achievements and major breakthroughs have been made in cross-modal data processing, human-computer emotional interaction, whole-genome analysis of microorganisms and other fields. Every year, more than 20 papers are published in top academic conferences and journals on artificial intelligence, and the number and influence of papers are increasing year by year.

Adhering to the educational philosophy of focusing on “multiple disciplines, thick foundation, strong ability and high quality”, the college closely tracks the most cutting-edge theories and technologies in the current academic circle, and trains students’ research ability and practical abilityfrom multiple angles and in all directions. The college has more than 20 textbooks listed in the national planning textbooks, and has published more than 10 high-level graduate textbooks such as AdvancedComputer Network Course, Network Security Advanced Software Programming Technology, and Formal Language and Automata, laying a foundation for the cultivation of high-quality graduate students. The college has established joint laboratories with well-known domestic and foreign companies such as Baidu, Tencent and IBM, providing strong support for teaching and research.

The College of Computer Science of Nankai University has implemented the “strategy of reinvigorating the college through human resource development”. In recent years, the college has introduced a number of young teachers from famous universities at home and abroad. The teaching staff has been further optimized in terms of age structure, educational background, professional titles and academic background, forming a teaching, scientific research and management group with middle-aged and young academic leaders as the backbone. The group has a high academic level and a rational structure, and is full of vitality. The college has established close academic exchanges and cooperative research relations with many famous overseas universities, research institutes and information technology companies, and has hired a number of academicians, experts and scholars from famous universities, research institutes and enterprises at home and abroad as part-time professors, chair professors and visiting professors.

The College of Computer Science of Nankai University, adhering to the school motto of “Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day”, strives to gradually form an education system of computer science with moderate scale and distinctive characteristics which will rank among the forefront of universities in China after several years of efforts, with the hope that the College of Computer Science become an important base for high-level and innovative personnel training, scientific and technological innovation in the relevant fields of China and even the world.

(Data as of October 2021)